Everyone in Lit seems to have strong opinions on when to use adverbs and dialogue tags other than said. What is your opinion and WHY?
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Comment and supporting line of thought coming atcha.
I actually don´t have strong opinions on either of those things.

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oboe-wan's avatar
You definitely know my opinion on this, but I guess I will say for the record:

Absolutes like grammar and clarity aside, in my opinion there aren't objectively "right" and "wrong" styles of writing.  There are certainly going to be styles you like better, or styles that are more popular at a given time, but it doesn't make them actually superior or correct.  If you don't like it, don't read it.  I would hate my own writing if I never used adverbs or limited myself to "acceptable" dialogue tags.  Others may do this very well, but it's not my style.  And if I don't enjoy writing, what's the point of my doing it?  I say write in a way that feels authentic and fulfilling to you personally.  If that means bending guidelines of "good" writing, then go ahead and bend those suckers.  I'd rather have a story I'm proud of and satisfied with than one that's marketable that I don't care for.  That is probably why it's a good thing I'm not a professional writer.